


Iquitos, Peru


Vpower Group International


October 2017

The challenge

Iquitos is located in the heart of the Peruvian Amazon with a population of ~430,000. Iquitos is isolated from the main power grid in Peru and without the Project, the population of Iquitos would not have adequate access to electricity.

The plant took approximately 30 months to be constructed in unique site. The challenges included long non-paved roads and other faulty mobilization conditions, heavy and continuous tropical rain, mud, thick plants and bushes and wild animals.

Our Rapid, Cost-Effective Solution

GenRent the owner of the Power Plant hired Telemenia Peru S.A.C as an EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction) subcontractor to plan, construct and commissioning of heavy fuel oil (“HFO”) thermoelectric power plant with a nominal total capacity of 80MW, including 13KM of 60kV transmission line connection to the Electro Oriente S.A. (ELOR) Iquitos substation

Telemenia and Vpower  via a fully owned company is also responsible for the operation and maintenance of the power plant since the COD.

The project includes 7 MAN engines type 20V32/44CR that meet the environmental requirements of the Amazon area.

Fitch Group, a global leader in financial information services, rank the project as ‘BBB’.