The GenRent Corporate Responsibility Policy is constantly adjusted and developed to reflect latest practices.
Social Responsibility » Under the GenRent Corporate Responsibility Policy we promote social involvement where our projects are located. For each project, GenRent establishes a management system tailored to the social aspects and impacts of such project and a management program which determines the manner of community engagement, monitoring of social aspects and reporting. GenRent constantly seeks to improve the quality of life in communities where its projects are located, either through education, medical services, social services, donations, community work, improvement of infrastructure, cooperation with local authorities and other intensive involvement in social and ethical areas.
Labor Policy » GenRent maintains a Human Resources Policy which secures the employees' rights under labor law, including their rights in connection with wages and other social benefits. We promote a strict non-discrimination policy and base employment relationships on the principals of equal opportunity and fair treatment. In addition, GenRent provides its employees a safe and healthy work environment, taking into consideration inherent risks of each specific project.
Legal Compliance » GenRent conducts its business in accordance with the laws and regulations of the countries in which it operates.
Anti-Bribery and Corruption Prevention » As part of our business philosophy, GenRent rejects any unethical, unlawful business conduct by its employees, subcontractors, or clients and fully enforces a clear transparent policy to mitigate the possibility of the occurrence of such conduct.